Poop Clicker 2

It is introducing Poop Clicker 2! From the minds of Sonsaur Games, it’s the grossest game on the internet – guaranteed to get a laugh out of everyone.

In this thrilling adventure, you take on the role of an ace poo-clicker. Your ultimate goal: click on virtual poos as often as possible and use them to buy upgrades that give you more pongs for your buck. You can upgrade poos for size, rarity, and even special powers! And if you think it doesn’t get dirtier than pressing actual poop, then try skipping ahead and buying some cheese to enhance your clicking power.

It’s silly, it’s silly, but most importantly? It’s FREE! Poop Clicker 2 is now available for all your iOS devices or from your computer browser! This app will keep kids entertained as they compete against their friends – or just with themselves – to become the champion of poo protein buyers.

But be careful because there’s no telling how deep into poop-progression you will go in this addictive game. So what are you waiting for? Download Poop Clicker 2 today and join in on the mild yet strangely enchanting grossness that awaits you…just one click away!