Arcade Games


For all the arcade game lovers, Centipede is a vertically oriented fixed shooter game you can play. Produced by Atari, Inc. in 1981, the game is about a small humanoid at the bottom of a mushroom field who shoots at a Centipede approaching them. The player will receive a gun that helps shoot the Centipede down.

Centipede Retro Game

Now, the user is allowed to move left or right only, and the prime objective of the player is to avoid touching the mushrooms or centipedes while advancing. Hitting the mushroom will descend the player one level down. On the other hand, one can shoot the mushrooms to clear the way.

Game Rewards

For each obstacle, a point is awarded to the player, and extra lives can be earned after scoring 10,000, 12,000, 15,000, or 20,000 scores.