Arcade Games

Bomb It 4

Bomb it 4 comes with enhanced graphics and improved scenes including some of the most popular gaming scenes from the previous versions. These scenes are the Petting Zoo, Restaurants, playground, Mall, Amusement Parks, and a shopping mall.

Bomb It Game Series

Power-ups and Weapons

Bomb it 4 comes with up to 7 helpful power-ups and lethal weapons that provide up to 5 different game modes that would let your character become a pro Bomber man.

Before you begin playing the game, it is possible to select from 4 different robots that you will be used as the playing character. This includes two boys and two girls. In order to enjoy the game, you use the arrow keys to move and the space bar to place the bombs.

How to Play Bomb It 4?

When you are enjoying the game using the two-player mode, the second player can use the WASD keys to move and the enter key to drop bombs. Bomb it 4 game is interesting to play because it requires a bit of strategy when placing the bombs so that you never blew up your gaming character.